Tangkoko National Park Nature Reserve

When you stay with us at Khenjiro Beach, we can take you to Tangkoko National Park, a flora and fauna conservation area on Mount Tangkoko, in the district of Bitung in North Sulawesi. It is about one hour’s drive from Khenjiro. The park is for a wildlife that can be observed roaming free in the forest. It is for the habitat of tarsiers, the black macaque monkeys, maleo birds, cuscus and the hornbills. Tarsiers are the smallest primates in the world, the size of this mongkey is about a fist size. Tangkoko is their last refuge and are found only in Sulawesi. Tarsiers (tarsius spectrum) look particularly cute because of their big saucer eyes. Locals know them as: tangkasi. They are a nocturnal animals they can be observed only at night. The crested black macaques or Marcara Nigra is endemic to Sulawesi, usually come in large social groups, and can be seen playing, fighting or grooming themselves. While the cuscus, a pouched animal can be seen among the trees.